The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Grooming Your Beard

The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Grooming Your Beard

14 April,2023 By admin

Have you recently started growing a beard? Or have you been growing one for years? Regardless of the situation, we are all prone to making a lot of common beard mistakes regarding grooming.   

Our barber in Claremont finds that many people believe in frequent trimming. Others refrain from trimming very often. We’ve observed that many people avoid using the appropriate products, while others never use enough beard grooming products to make a difference.   

It means that many of you may have committed some beard-growing mistakes at some point or another. In this article, we have tried to identify a few of the commonest mistakes, that have been observed at our barbershop in Rancho Cucamonga. So, the commonest beard grooming mistakes are as follows-   

1. Not Using Beard Oil   

Many people don’t know that beard oil is the most important thing you can use to care for your beard. It does a lot of things that are essential for your beard as well as your skin.    

Beard oil moisturizes the skin, eliminating any kind of itchiness. It seals in moisture, preventing split ends and providing your beard with a healthy sheen, eventually softening the hair. It freshens your beard. The best part is that you may not need beard color for men at all. Despite all these benefits, a lot of guys simply forget to apply them, leading to a lot of problems.   

All sorts of issues, such as beard itch, split ends, dandruff, beard stink, and wiry hair, can be avoided with beard oil. You can use a dab of beard oil as part of your everyday beard grooming routine.   

2. Trim Wet Beard   

You may have just completed your shower, and seem to be in a hurry. There is a probability of rushing to complete the trim. It is a very bad idea! You can call it a beard trimming mistake!   

Be conscious of the fact that water straightens your beard hair, which, in turn, makes it longer. That is why, if you are in a hurry for the trim without drying your beard properly, there is a risk of lopping off more than what you had planned.   

Our suggestion is that you dab your beard dry with a towel and apply your beard brush to comb it straight, after a shower. Now, you should be prepared to trim things up with beard scissors.   

3. Expecting A Faster Growth of the Beard  

It is important to have patience if you are a first-time beard grower. You are unaware of how fast your beard will grow or if it will become patchy before filling in.   

The best option is to wait and watch your beard shaping. Always remember that beards grow about a half-inch every month. Some may grow a bit faster, others may not. For a full beard, you need to look at 2-3 months of growth.   

The bottom line is that patience is the key before you contemplate a clean shave. Expect growth for around two months.   

4. Allow the Beard Grow Wilder   

If you have to wait for two months for a full beard, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t trim your beard for the same period. Rather, without a weekly trim, your beard will start to look wilder.   

The reason is that your beard doesn’t appear all at once. Several areas grow at differing rates. You must have noticed that your mustache doesn’t grow as big as the rest of your beard.   

If you trim the longer areas, then it’ll help you blend them with the shorter areas. Moreover, the beard will gain a more uniform length, instantly making your beard appear cleaner.  

5. Refrain From Brushing Your Beard   

You may feel that a beard brush is not important. However, frequent brushing does many important things for your beard, such as helping the individual hairs grow in the same direction. That’ll make your beard appear cleaner and longer. Additionally, beard brushing also facilitates making the hair softer and more manageable.   

Remember that the brush is an important grooming tool. Apply it to prep your beard for a trim, or you might use it to work beard balm and oil into the hair. Brush your beard each time you wash it.   


Whatever the situation, you need to visit our nearest barbershop in Claremont for suggestions. We will ensure that you groom your beard properly and don’t end up committing any blunders!